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EZ Menu Build Status

Create a HTML navigation menu and sub-menus from JSON with ease.


Check out the demo provided with this package.


This package can be easily installed using Bower.

$ bower install ez-menu

Manual install:

  1. Download the latest sources to your computer using a web browser.
  2. Extract the contents of the .zip into a folder on your local computer.
  3. Upload the folder with the following files to your web site.
Filename Role
ez-menu.min.js The main script to be included from within your HTML document.
ez-menu.min.css This style sheet that defines the "look & feel" of the menu bar and sub-menus


It's as simple as defining the target element #container using the jQuery selector and passing configuration data as JSON.

$(selector).EZMenu(settings, config);

Add the following JavaScript/CSS between the <head></head> tags of your HTML document.

<script src="">

<script src="/path/to/ez-menu.min.js"></script>
$(document).ready(function() {
      { "name": "Menu Link 1", "url": "", "target": "_blank" },
      { "name": "Menu Link 2", "url": "", "target": "_blank" },
      { "name": "Menu List A", "options": [
        { "name": "Item 1A", "url": "" },
        { "name": "Item 2A", "url": "" },
        { "name": "Menu List B", "options": [
          { "name": "Item 1B", "url": "" },
          { "name": "Item 2B", "url": "",
            "classname": "custom_link" }

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ez-menu.min.css">

Plug-in Settings

The following settings can be passed to the plug-in main function as JSON

Option Description Default Value
showEasing animation to be used when opening sub-menus content linear
hideEasing animation to be used when opening sub-menus content linear
showSpeed speed of the sub-menu animation in milliseconds 300
hideSpeed speed of the sub-menu animation in milliseconds 300
click2open open submenus on clickable event (default hover) false
responsive enabled responsive layout on supported mobile devices false

Click here for more information about the available jQuery UI Easing effects.

Overriding Events

This can be easily achieved using optional classname in the menu JSON configuration. The following code corresponds to the example provided above.

$('a.custom_link').on('click', function(event) {

  // Do something

jQuery Support

In order to support older web browsers, specifically Internet Explorer 7, this package requires jQuery 1.8.3. Furthermore, jQuery has recently dropped support for IE8 in version 2, so if there is no compelling reason to support these two web browsers it is recommended that you upgrade to the latest version of jQuery. If you still need to support IE8 please upgrade to jQuery 1.9+.

Functional Testing

This package has been preconfigured to support QUnit headless testing using Travis-CI. If you plan on using another integration tool you will have to create a custom project that combines the use of QUnit and PhantomJS plugins. You can manually run these tests in your web browser by clicking here.


I have included with this package a packed version (3.4 kB) and developers version (unpacked 6.1 kB)

You can always find the latest updates within this projects repository.

Code Repository

This projects repository is currently hosted on Github


For feedback, bug reports, or other comments, feel free to contact me at: devel at mbrooks dot info

License and Warranty

This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

EZ Menu is provided under the terms of the MIT license.

EZ Menu ©2012-2015 Marc S. Brooks